Holmgang Ov Gensokyo
- ダウンロード商品¥ 0無料ダウンロードHolmgangCover.png(7.02 MB)1. Holmgang Ov Gensokyo, Propitiationem Per Fidem2. Torrent of Power, Realmweaver3. Broken Moon, The Last Battalion4. On the Edge of Paradise, ArmpitMaiden5. Possession Flowers in Full Bloom, BillytheBard11th6. Deceiver, Takamachi Walk7. Crimson Memories, Crimson Quietus8. Like the Morning Star, Higan Daybreak9. Grand Rhapsody of the Gods ~ 永遠の祭り , Maiden's Capriccio
---------- HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO is an international extreme metal collaboration between musicians and arrangers from across the globe. It's a project that in it's heart holds a candle to both the Touhou metal scene that inspired the foundation of this collaboration, and the Touhou community as a whole for being the infectious melting pot of creativity it is. Inspired off of a previous Touhou Project metal arrange sampler "BARRAGE AM RING", we are here this year, and the next, to share with your our sounds. Touhou. Metal. Forever. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEME: Arrangements based off the fighting game OSTs. (7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5) Track 1) CIRCLE: Propitiationem Per Fidem ORIGINAL: 黒い海に紅く~ Legendary Fish ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden VOCALS: Angry Koishi, REMI:B, OniDango (Cleans) PRODUCER: Dan Curhan (ISA) Track 2) CIRCLE: Realmweaver ORIGINAL: 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power Track 3) CIRCLE: THE LAST BATTALION ORIGINAL: 砕月 ARRANGER: NiGaRi thelastbattalion.bandcamp.com/album/mishagguzi Track 4) ARRANGER: BILLYTHEBARD11TH ORIGINAL: 咲き誇る憑依華 (Possession Flowers in Full Bloom) www.youtube.com/channel/UCMIFZlIm3E7fxattsuRoqgA Track 5) ORIGINAL: 天衣無縫 (Flawless Clothing of the Celestials) ARRANGER: ArmpitMaiden VOCALS: Empyrean Serpent PRODUCER: Dryhands Track 6) CIRCLE: Takamachi Walk ORIGINAL: 信仰は儚き人間の為に (Faith if for the Transient People) ARRANGER: wasi (Takamachi Walk) VOCALS: Un3h, noaon takamachiwalk.bandcamp.com/releases Track 7) CIRCLE: Crimson Quietus ORIGINAL: 亡き王女の為のセプテット (Septette for a Dead Princess) ARRANGER: ANUHI / ArmpitMaiden Track 8) CIRCLE: Higan Daybreak ORIGINAL: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven (Catastrophe in Bhava-Agra ~ Wonderful Heaven) ARRANGER: JD of Paradise higandaybreak.bandcamp.com Track 9) CIRCLE: Maiden's Capriccio ORIGINAL: 悠久の蒸気機関 ARRANGE: ArmpitMaiden twitter.com/ArmpitMaiden credits LOGO DESIGN: Echo Graphic - https://facebook.com/Ech0Graphic/ JACKET DESIGN: NaufalDreamer - @naufaldreamer released December 28, 2019
1 | Holmgang Ov Gensokyo - Propitiationem Per Fidem |
2 | Torrent of Power - Realmweaver |
3 | Broken Moon - The Last Battalion |
4 | On the Edge of Paradise - ArmpitMaiden |
5 | Possession Flowers in Full Bloom - BillytheBard11th |
6 | Deceiver - Takamachi Walk |
7 | Crimson Memories - Crimson Quietus |
8 | Like the Morning Star - Higan Daybreak |
9 | Grand Rhapsody of the Gods ~ 永遠の祭り - Maiden's Capriccio |